Thursday, September 2, 2010

It's the 2nd day of the month, therefore....

I write something!  Trawling through the paltry few entries I have written, I noticed that I invariably write on the second day of the month, and decided to be consistently inconsistent, if you know what I mean.
I am going to give you a brief overview of the last three months, and then pretend that there hasn't been a three month hiatus.  Good idea?  So....the last three months saw -
* A fabulous 15 day holiday/trek through Malaysia - I plan to bore you with photos
* Lots of normal working / mothering / wifing / sistering / friending / houseworking / reading / procrastinating
* Several great afternoons at the football supporting the Fremantle Dockers - we are going this coming Saturday to the semi-final - come on boys you can do it!
* The purchasing of tickets to see U2 on our wedding anniversary in December
* Our pet yabby of three years, Denise, sadly died and was appropriately buried under the mulberry tree
* We finally sold the Forester, only took five months to accomplish!
* Jojo and a friend start taking private folk fiddling lessons with a hip young woman, and we have watched her enjoyment of playing and consequently the quality of her playing improve dramatically
* The start of a new, bright quilt
* A plan for the principal and lote teacher and myself to enter an item at our school's talent competition.  We plan to be singing and playing our ukelele's...better start practising!
* and last Monday I got my nose pierced - something I have always wanted to do and thought why the heck not?
I'm sure other stuff happened, but they were the more interesting things.
As for the next three months, I plan to be a regular with the writing, and have devised all sorts of categories for myself to keep me rolling along.


  1. so good to hear from you - I think nose piercings are very funky, can't wait to see ! xxx

  2. That's a pretty big three months, I'd say! Is your nose sore? Sorry to hear about Denise :( Yay for selling the car! And double yay for fiddling and ukeleles! The two of you must perform for us some time. Big hugs
